5 Compelling Reasons You Need a Responsive Website in 2019

One website design trend that will remain huge for 2019 is responsive design. Why didn’t this trend fade with many others that may not see the light of day next year? With the increase in number of hours people spend on smartphones, there’s no stopping for business owners preferring a responsive design for websites.

Having a mobile-friendly website in 2019 isn’t just a trend – it’s crucial for your business survival on the World Wide Web.

Here are 5 compelling reasons you must consider one for the upcoming year:

Your Customers Use Phones for Browsing

This is the most important reason to have a responsive website. Over 57 per cent of all web traffic is done on mobile devices. Since more than half of your customers are checking you out your website from their smartphones, you need to ensure the best of experience for them.

Stay Competitive

Most experienced website designers prefer designing a responsive website for mobile devices. It allows you to stay competitive. Your competitors have already been using one. Your customers will also choose a business that can be browsed easily from their smartphone. So, it is time for you to make a shift.

Build Trust

Most online users will not recommend a poorly designed mobile website or one that appears bad on mobile phones. Having one will help you build trust among your existing and potential clients. It’s not wise to risk losing customers and referrals due to something that can be easily fixed.

Easy to Contact You

With a responsive website design, you are making it easy for customers to get in touch with you. The website will let your customers find your email address and phone number easily and with one click. They simply need to click and your phone will start ringing.

Loads Faster

The digital age audience has very short attention span. They only prefer websites that load faster. So you can’t risk your website that takes longer to load. Your customers will simply switch to another website. A research has revealed that over half of mobile web visitors leave website that takes over three seconds to load. Why lose potential customers? Get a responsive website design as soon as possible.


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